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tvi.ua | 19Aug2012 | Marta Dyczok

Politics of memory: media and Ukrainians displaced during World War Two
Політика пам'яті: медіа та українці, переміщені в час Другої світової війни

Professor Dyczok discusses how the mass media forms "historical memory" on behalf of ruling elites. In the Soviet Union (and Russia), the WW2 "official" history was/is at odds with the 3 million Ukrainian refugees in Europe, most of whom were repatriated "na rodinu" and only 200,000 managed to avoid forcible repatriation and eventually emigrated to Western countries. The "official" view was/is that WW2 started on 22Jun1941. They ignore the historical fact that Hitler and Stalin collaborated to start the war on 01Sep1939 -- with Hitler occupying Poland and Stalin occupying Western Ukraine and the Baltic states.

Marta Dyczok, DPhil (Oxon)
Associate Professor
Departments of History and Political Science
Lawson Hall, Room 2246
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, N6A 5B8, CANADA
e-mail: [email protected]

Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute Shklar Fellow (2011)