UCC_AB meeting with DEBORAH GREY




EDMONTON -- The Alberta Provincial Council of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC - APC) is greatly encouraged following a meeting held with Alliance Deputy Leader Deborah Grey on the Denaturalization and Deportation (D & D) issue, at her Edmonton North Constituency Office, April 10, 2001.

"She appeared to be very open to our concerns, took copious notes on the issue, and told us she will raise the matter with both her party's Citizenship and Justice Critics," said Marco Levytsky, UCC - APC Vice President and Chair of UCC - APC's Government Relations Committee. Speaking on behalf of both its constituents and the UCC National Headquarters, the UCC - APC delegation drew Grey's attention to the fact that when the Liberal government brought in the D & D policy in 1995 it stated in a government press release that:

"The key criterion in all these proceedings is the existence of some evidence of individual criminality. If that cannot be proven, no proceedings will be considered."
Yet proceedings were started against Toronto resident Wasyl Odynsky even though the government hadn't even bothered to charge him with any war crimes.

The delegation noted that in the recent ruling on the Odynsky case, Justice Andrew MacKay found that:

  • "Mr. Odynsky did not voluntarily join the SS auxiliary forces, or voluntarily serve with them at Trawniki or Poniatowa, or later with the Battalion Streibel";
  • "There was no evidence of any incident in which he was involved that could be considered as directed wrongfully at any other individual, whether a forced labourer-prisoner, or any other person";
  • "No evidence was presented of any wrongdoing by Mr. Odynsky since he came to Canada, now more than 50 years ago."

    The delegation said that what the UCC is asking is that in all cases where there is no evidence of any war crimes, no proceedings should be started, and in all cases where the judge has ruled that there was no evidence of any war crime, all further actions against the respondent should be terminated immediately.

    This means that where a judge has ruled that a respondent may have his citizenship stripped and face deportation because he found that the respondent under a "balance of probabilities" misrepresented himself upon entering Canada, but did not find him guilty of any individual war crime, Cabinet should not even consider the revocation of citizenship and immediately notify the respondent of that decision instead of "letting them hang in limbo."

    The delegation pointed out that "balance of probabilities" means a 50.01% chance in one direction and 49.99% in the other. The delegation also noted that the D & D process -- in which there is no appeal -- has been referred to as a "judicial lottery".

    The delegation noted that the UCC has been consistent in advocating the prosecution of all war criminals -- not just Nazi ones -- in Canada, under the Canadian Criminal Code.

    Delegation member Dr. William Zuzak briefed Grey on the Volodymyr Katriuk case.

    He noted that Katriuk deserted from a Waffen SS unit that was sent to France and joined the French Resistance, subsequently joining the French Foreign Legion.

    He deserted from the Foreign Legion when his unit was about to be shipped to IndoChina (modern-day Vietnam) and his pro-Communist sergeant told him he would never get out of there alive.

    Katriuk rejoined the Maquis, took up an assumed name and emigrated to Canada under that name.

    However, he informed the authorities of his name change and re-assumed his real name upon applying for citizenship and his explanation was accepted at the time, noted Dr. Zuzak.


    Marco Levytsky, Vice President and Chair, Government Relations Committee
    (780) 488-3693