Does filing-fee over-billing dwarf other Court misappropriations?

"The Los Angeles Superior Court illicitly draining what could be in the order of US$105 million out of the pockets of litigants every year may indeed be worthy of your attention." � Lubomyr Prytulak

Lubomyr Prytulak
Ukrainian Archive, www.ukar.org

08 December 2002

Gary Klausner
Supervising Judge, Civil Division
Los Angeles Superior Court
111 North Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA
USA     90012

Re: Rambam v Prytulak   BC271433   James R. Dunn

Gary Klausner:

You have already received a copy of my letter to Presiding Judge, James A. Bascue, of 07-Oct-2002, titled Chaos or Over-Billing in Los Angeles Superior Court Fees?, which documents, among other things, my having been indiscreet enough to have disclosed my VISA number to the Los Angeles Superior Court, and the Court having used the information to over-bill me by US$46.  Although US$46 may have seemed too trivial an amount for you to have concerned yourself with, it did constitute an over-billing of 24%, which if extrapolated to billings generally would bring the LASC what annual revenue?  Well, if the LASC had 2,716,837 filings in fiscal year 1999-2000 (as indicated in Table 1, p. 39 at www.courtinfo.ca.gov/reference/documents/csr2001.pdf), and if a "filing" refers to a case filed, and if the total fees paid per case averaged a modest US$200, then 24% over-billing would bring in US$105 million in annual over-billing revenue.

The Los Angeles Superior Court illicitly draining what could be in the order of US$105 million out of the pockets of litigants every year may indeed be worthy of your attention, as it not only adds to Court financial scandals (such as the LASCJA Slush Fund Scandal, and the Condemnation and Interpleader Trust Fund Scandal), but threatens to dwarf them.

I remind you of this third instance � that is, filing fee over-billing � of large-scale Los Angeles Superior Court financial misconduct by way of further supporting two propositions that have been the theme of my previous letters to you, namely that

  1. Brooklyn resident Steven Rambam lugs his sham litigation to Los Angeles because the Los Angeles Superior Court is among the most corrupt in the United States, and

  2. before aspiring to advancement to a higher court, you might think first of taking steps to restore the fallen integrity of the court in which you have played a leading role during its years of corruption.

In addition to tackling such large issues as the above, I wonder if I could persuade you to give just a little of your time to rectifying the proportionately smaller financial injustices inflicted upon me � namely, the return to me of the US$46 over-charge, and the return to me also of two money orders that went missing after having been placed in the hands of the Court, as has already been documented in my 13-Sep-2002 Prytulak-Reply-C � namely the following two made out to the Los Angeles Superior Court for the sums of US$193 and US$23:

Lubomyr Prytulak