Neal Sher   Letter 08   24-Feb-1999   Accept responsibility for the Johann Dueck case?
Might it have been you who urged reluctant Canadian prosecutors to plough ahead in the face of zero credible evidence?  Might it have been you who urged replacing the "light in the mind" which should have been guiding Canadian prosecutors with the "fire in the belly" of which you have boasted, and for which you have become notorious? � Lubomyr Prytulak
  February 24, 1999
Neal M. Sher
Schmeltzer, Aptaker & Shepard, P.C.
Suite 1000
The Watergate
2600 Virginia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
USA         20037-1905

Dear Mr. Sher:

As I have been informing you, there have been more than a few Canadians who viewed your many lapses of competence and integrity as reasons why Canada's Justice Minister, Anne McLellan, should have avoided retaining you as advisor to the Canadian War Crimes Unit.  We feared that your presence in Canada would harm the innocent, would prove divisive, would embarrass the government, and would attract discredit upon all attempts to hunt down war criminals, not only imaginary ones whose crimes of half a century ago cannot be documented, but also real ones who walk our streets today with fresh blood on their hands.  Now that some of the results of the current spate of prosecutions are beginning to come in, we have taken to asking ourselves what role you may have played in them.

In the case of Johann Dueck, for example � would you be able to take some of the responsibility for the government case?  Might it have been you who urged reluctant Canadian prosecutors to plough ahead in the face of zero credible evidence?  Might it have been you who urged replacing the "light in the mind" which should have been guiding Canadian prosecutors with the "fire in the belly" of which you have boasted, and for which you have become notorious?  I certainly hope not, for then our suspicions of your lack of competence and of integrity would have been reinforced, your readiness to destroy innocent lives to advance your career would have been demonstrated yet again, and your undermining of Jewish credibility would have taken another step forward.

On the other hand, if it had been the case that you advised Canada's War Crimes Unit against the prosecution of Johann Dueck, then you would now be able to advance this claim, and in so doing take a step toward redeeming your sullied reputation, toward restraining over-zealous Canadian prosecutors, and toward repairing the damage that the current prosecutions have done to the Jewish people.

Yours truly,

Lubomyr Prytulak

cc: Anne McLellan