Leonid Kuchma: The Absentee Certificate is your Excalibur
Letter 40           20-Nov-2004

King Arthur smote Sir Mordred with Excalibur.  Frodo Baggins smote the forces of Mordor with Sting.  Siegfried vanquished seven hundred knights with Balmung.

             20 November 2004

Leonid Kuchma, President
vul. Bankivska 11
Kyiv, 252005

Leonid Kuchma:

King Arthur smote Sir Mordred with Excalibur.  Frodo Baggins smote the forces of Mordor with Sting.  Siegfried vanquished seven hundred knights with Balmung.

And you will go down in history as the President who when besieged by his own people, drew from its scabbard his personal mighty weapon � a bundle of five million absentee certificates � and wielded it lustily as no hero had ever wielded any weapon before, albeit against your own people which distinguished you somewhat from the heroes of legend.

The document shown is the absentee certificate which permits a voter to obtain an absentee ballot at any polling station.  When the above certificate is given to a voter who anticipates casting a vote in a precinct in which he is not registered, his name is supposed to be removed from the list where he is registered.  When a traveller casts an absentee ballot in a precinct in which he is not registered, he is required to show his passport along with the absentee certificate.  One method of falsification is to have corrupt officials fail to confiscate the certificate upon its being used, which permits it to be used again in another district.  Another method is to have someone other than the person named on the certificate cast the vote, either by that person also having acquired possession of the named person's passport and corrupt officials overlooking the discrepancy between the passport photo and its presenter, or by even more corrupt officials not demanding passport identification.  Vast numbers of such certificates are printed, and the monitoring of their use is perfunctory.  The large-font overprint is pro-Yushchenko publicity in Russian advising to not give the certificate to anyone else, and to screw "them" (blue "them" indicating the Yanukovych side), and to not give up "your" vote (orange "your" indicating the Yushchenko side).

Parliament tried to take your mighty weapon from you, but you refused to yield it up.  With your mighty weapon, you have some chance of conquering the Ukrainian nation; without it, you lack the strength of a child.

Lubomyr Prytulak